Thursday, January 29, 2009

An Undisclosed About Doing Joint Ventures

In the summer of 1954, four hundred wealthy businessmen were invited to hear about a joint venture proposal. Hands were shaken, coffee was served and for the next few hours, behind closed doors, P & L statements likely the future of how this venture would play out.

History would show that this was one of the sweetest deals ever offered in business and those that embraced this idea would make thousands of times their original investment ... all that joined the venture would make millions.

This was not a naive group of wet-behind-the ears dreamers, awestruck by the thought of sudden riches, or easily swayed by emotion.

No, this was a hard-nosed bunch, used to to dealing with bankers and politicians.

Here were the captains of their industry, being offered the deal of a lifetime. Their reaction is what is fascinating. How many jumped at the deal?

How many of those original 400 had the foresight to run with this deal ... and beat out the competition?

As it turns out, exactly three.

The creator of this idea - ever the businessman - understood; "After all," he says, "all we were offering them was a name, a set of plans, and a dream!"

A name, a set of plans, and a dream... The deal was a simple one: $500 down and about $5 per day was all they had to pay for the rights to use a name and a set of plans ... to make the dream of a lifetime come true.

Who were this businessman and what was he selling?

You may not recognize his name but you certainly know his company. Today, it is one of the most recognized brand names in the world.

Side Note: Within three years this company went public with a $3.9 million stock offering and suddenly, everyone wanted in on the deal.

Those that didn't jump on board wound up standing in a long line, waiting their turn.

Who was this guy?

Opportunity: "...Opportunity comes often, it knocks as often as you have an ear trained to hear it, an eye trained to see it, a hand trained to grasp it, and a head trained to use it."

This quote is from "Twenty Tips for Success", founder Holiday Inn, America's Innkeeper.

In 1951, Kemmons Wilson was on vacation with his family and became disgusted by the motels of the era that charged $2 extra for children, "We have five kids, so our $6 room became a $16 room," he said. One year later, he opened his first Holiday Inn where children could stay for free and families were assured of consistently clean, safe, rooms. Very soon, Holiday Inn setup the first nationwide motel computer reservations network and then, everyone wanted in on the deal.

"From that point on it wasn't a question of trying to sell franchises - it was a question of allocating them."

The important point [call it the secret] from this meeting?

Really, there are two important lessons. First, when the risk is small - don't hesitate. In this case; $500 for the use of the Holiday Inn name plus five cents per room per day - about $5 a day on a 100 room motel - was a minute allowance compared to what investors made on this deal.

But the biggest reason for Holiday Inns' success was a risk taker founder, backed by hard working no nonsense franchisees that were willing to invest millions in the first nationwide computer suspicions network.

A centralized computer system was something that the rest of the lodging industry didn't have at the time. At that time the opposition was a bunch of small independently owned roadside motels too small and scared to make the major investment needed to win ... so they lost and the people that joined Mr. Wilson became very big winners.

So, the biggest [secret] from this meeting? When you are first to the market with a new technology backed by people that won't "give up", then don't be afraid to take a risk and go for it.

Joint Venture Membership sites!

Joint Venture membership sites are sites where people go and join, either for free or paid subscription, so they can find JV partners all from one location. Asking "how can I cost-effectively sell to more customers quickly" might lead you to some powerful joint-venture strategies. With a joint venture, you only pay for results. So the best plan of action would be to restate your Joint Venture offer, indicating that you are prepared to be flexible and are open to alternative suggestions.The brains of some of the big players in this business, my weekend in Charlotte was also spent working out new joint venture concepts with many of the other arketers who, like me, had come to hear Mike, Gary, Craig, Joel, and Robert speak. He works with other respected people in the business to share knowledge and is probably really fed up with people emailing him to ask him for a joint venture.

Joint Ventures Will Eat Your Profits Most small business owners would rather struggle to get clients, and get mediocre profits at best, instead of sharing the profits with a joint venture partner that sends clients their way.Ideas on how to joint venture ideas are boundless. A joint venture is formed when you not only have an alliance but you come up with a strategy to find customers together. You can do this in several ways, but there are a few easy methods that you should combine: free publicity, viral marketing, joint venture deals and advertising on a large scale. #Through your business associates and suppliers Introductions from people in your network is a very effective way of meeting potential joint venture partners.The way it’s going to roll out is the joint venture is buying two rigs. The first thing the SALM would do is find companies with products or services that your customers would want to buy and then you negotiate a joint venture deal where you would give your endorsement to their products for a percentage of the profits. The last tip for immediate traffic is Joint Venture.

In a nutshell a good JV or joint venture consists of the following.These are just some ways to finance international trade ventures; you can also look into the possibility of grants, venture capital and joint ventures with local companies. The Joint Venture between the merchant and these marketers can be structured in many ways (in fact, each may be unique), but let's just play out a typical scenario for the purpose of an example. The following are ten online joint venture ideas. Exchanging links with other relevant websites is a great way to start building partnerships with other website owners and may open the door for future joint venture requests.A company might establish an RO with the aim of exceeding its legal restrictions, and thereby establish the functional equivalent of a joint venture or wholly foreign owned enterprise while avoiding much of the expense and inconvenience. Hence some introspection needs to be done regarding the digital cameras and cell phones in their joint venture together in the technological world. For any joint venture project to be successful, the partners must possess certain skills that are required to choose the right deal, the right partners, and to promote the project successfully.